404 Page

Short Description:

The 404 page appears when the page accessed by the user is no longer available. 

Marketing purpose:

To reduce bounce rate and keep the user on aida.de even if the link is invalid.

404 Page on an iPhone

This page includes a teaser using the style: 404. You just need to activate a CTA button with the link to the page you want to send the user, usually home.


Ups! Etwas ist schiefgelaufen.

Diese Seite befindet sich im Kurzurlaub.

  1. titleType: h2
  2. jcr:title: Diese Seite befindet sich im Kurzurlaub.
  3. imageFromPageImage: false
  4. fileReference: /content/dam/aida-component-library/demo/images/teasers/ac_037707_clubbies_wo_bist_du_freisteller1.png
  5. pretitle: Ups! Etwas ist schiefgelaufen.
  6. titleFromPage: false
  7. alt: Page not found
  8. modal: false
  9. linkTarget: _self
  10. descriptionFromPage: false
  11. sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/teaser
  12. isDecorative: true
  13. textIsRich: true
  14. altValueFromDAM: false
  15. cq:styleIds: 1660550605148