Map Component

Short Description:

The Map Component is used to integrate a map on different pages that shows locations via custom pins and then links to a modal or external link if required. This map should be more or less universally usable, i.e. on a destination, port or cruise & help page.

Marketing Purpose:

Maps offer the user an interactive possibility to get information about places and locations. Whether it is where a new school is being built, where a certain harbour is located or which travel destination can be reached. The map can be zoomed into (Google Maps, Open Street View) and thus allows the user to inform himself easily.

Map Component: CQ Dialog

Map Options

You can add a pre-title and a multi-line headline. You can also define which type (from H1 to H6) of headline you need for SEO purposes; the design (font size, weight, and color) remains the same independently of the type of heading you choose.

Define Pins

Add a Name of your PIN (usually the name of a place or city). Add Latitude and Longitude of this place and give it a link for the information you want to refere. You have the posibility to open this link as a popup or as a normal link on the same page or a new tab. You can add as many pins as you want. Do do so, just click on ”Add" button and repeat. The more pins you add to your map, the more area your map will display (initial zoom) to include all of them in the view.

If needed, you can asign an ID to this map.
