The countdown indicates in how many days the journey (cruise) starts. The countdown should support the feeling of holiday anticipation.
This component displays the days remaining before the start of the cruise. A test can be done using the masquerade feature by changing the boarding date. If the masquerade feature is not used, the component will use the boarding date of the person who entered the system.
You can modify the component text, but take care that the [tags] remain as they are:
Noch [countdown] [days:Tag:Tage] bis zur Reise
If you remove or modify the [tags], the component will not be able to read the boarding date.
Noch 36 Tage bis zur Reise
- text: Noch 36 Tage bis zur Reise
- sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/vue/cruiseCountdown