Booking Teaser Small

Short description:

The Booking Small teaser refers to myAIDA, where the service/product can be booked, as the page itself only provides information but does not have a direct booking integrated. 

Marketing purpose:

To give the user a direct way to quickly jump into booking the service/product should they have already booked a cruise. 

Pre-title is not in use. If you add content to it, it will not be displayed.



Pre title
Pre Title is not in use in this component. It will not be displayed even if you add content to it.

Reiseschutz buchen

Fügen Sie Ihren Reiseschutz bei der Reisebuchung hinzu oder buchen Sie diesen nachträglich auf myAIDA

alt text
  1. titleType: div
  2. jcr:title: Reiseschutz buchen
  3. linkURLHidden: ,
  4. imageFromPageImage: false
  5. fileReference: /content/dam/aida-component-library/icons/myAIDA.svg
  6. actionsEnabled: true
  7. titleFromPage: false
  8. alt: alt text
  9. asset: false
  10. modal: false
  11. jcr:description: <p>Fügen Sie Ihren Reiseschutz bei der Reisebuchung hinzu oder buchen Sie diesen nachträglich auf myAIDA</p>
  12. linkTarget: _self
  13. descriptionFromPage: false
  14. sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/teaser
  15. isDecorative: false
  16. disableLazyLoading: false
  17. textIsRich: true
  18. altValueFromDAM: false
  19. cq:styleIds: 1638617714398