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AIDA and Costa support refugee relief with 200,000 Euros in Germany and Italy

AIDA Cruises donates 100,000 Euros to “Aktion Deutschland hilft” alliance
Rostock, 11. September 2015

AIDA and Costa support refugee relief with 200,000 Euros in Germany and Italy
AIDA Cruises donates 100,000 Euros to “Aktion Deutschland hilft” alliance

AIDA Cruises and Costa Crociere donate a total of 200,000 euros for projects of refugee relief in Germany and Italy to support people who escaped war and prosecution, hoping for a life in freedom and safety in Europe.

“The current situation is an exceptional challenge for the whole of Europe. The fate of the refugees concerns all of us. Hundreds of thousands of people who have left everything behind them need all the support we can give them. For us it is a question of humanity to provide help now, fast, and without red tape,” says Michael Thamm, CEO of the Costa Group.

AIDA Cruises will support the alliance of German aid organizations, “Aktion Deutschland hilft”, with a donation of 100,000 euros. “For us, integration and willingness to help are enshrined in our corporate culture. We want to provide active help that is received where it is most urgently needed,” said AIDA President Felix Eichhorn.

The alliance of German aid organizations “Aktion Deutschland hilft” supports refugees in Germany among other things with integrating and orienting themselves but also provide active help in the arrival countries all around the Mediterranean Sea as well as in the countries of origin of the refugees.

31. January 2018

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05. January 2018

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22. December 2017

AIDA New Year’s Raffle: Donations for SOS Children’s Villages, Mercy Ships and FLY & HELP

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