Responsible company management means timely preparation for challenges and developments. Through dialog with political, economic, and community partners, we develop solutions for future challenges. Carnival Corporation & plc represents the political interests of the entire group. Interested readers can learn more about its political demands and positions on the web pages of the cruise associations.
We talk early on
Membership of federations and associations
AIDA Cruises belongs to numerous economic cooperations and associations. In Germany, we are an active member of the Deutschen ReiseVerband e. V. (DRV) and the Verband Deutscher Reeder (VDR). The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Cruise Council (ECC) are also very important for us. The ECC represents the interests of the leading worldwide cruise companies operating in Europe. It promotes the interests of cruise operators, including high standards in environmental protection, and works in close collaboration with the European Commission and the European Parliament. Michael Thamm, CEO Costa Group, has been a member of the ECC Executive Committee since the end of 2010.
Fair practices with business partners
With the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we undertake to ensure fair business practices with our business partners, suppliers and competitors, and accuracy and integrity in business deals. This should avoid any conflicts of interest. To prevent corruption, we sensitize employees to this issue in training sessions and familiarize them with the Carnival Corporation’s anti-corruption guidelines. Our anti-corruption policy establishes that all business relations with port authorities, suppliers and other third parties must be shaped in accordance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Infringements can be reported to Carnival Corporation & plc via a hotline. In the 2011 reporting period, there were no infringements of any legal regulations.