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Attractive working conditions

Higher quality of leisure and more stability


Motivated and dedicated employees are the basis of our success. In order to offer them a modern and sophisticated working environment with attractive working conditions, we introduced two fundamental changes in 2011: On the one hand, we modified the on-board times for our nautical, technical and electrical staff from 4:2 to 3:2. Thanks to this adjustment, they are now at sea for a manageable three months, and then spend two months at home on dry land, thus making it easier for them to reconcile family and career. We also introduced the system of ship teams in 2011. In practice this means we have created fixed teams, each comprising four to five officers, in which the members work together on allocated ships for around two-and-a-half to three years. These fixed groups strengthen the mutual loyalty of the ship’s personnel, increase the management staff’s ties with the ships, and improve crew cooperation. Our measures are already having an impact. We have succeeded, for example, in reducing the officer turnover rate in the areas of Deck, Engine and Hotel by 5%. The following table provides an overview of our employee turnover last year.

Fair remuneration

AIDA Cruises offers attractively structured remuneration schemes that are oriented to in-house agreements and the company’s success. With the AIDA pension guide we also have a pension system that differentiates between land and sea. The framework agreement for employees at sea provides for a private pension. AIDA offers an employer-financed pension to land-based employees. In 2011, annual payments amounted to € 936,200.


Bonuses for long-term loyalty

As of May 1, 2011 we also introduced a bonus system to mark the service anniversaries of permanent employees on board. The bonus is based on length of service, and amounts to up to € 5,000. We thus reward length of service and the commitment that goes with it.


Representation of interests on board and on land

• All employee interests on board and ashore are regulated by collective agreements with labor unions and worker representation bodies. All employees are obliged to pay social insurance and tax in full.
• Our shoreside partner is the labor union ver.di. As such all land-based employees are governed by the German Works Constitution Act. The HR department meets on a weekly basis with the Works Council to coordinate proposed operational changes. A meeting with company management takes place once a quarter.
• The crew on board each ship votes for its representatives who form a Speaker’s Committee.


Work-life balance at AIDA


It is important to us that employees can reconcile family and career. Since 2006 we have been offering places at the Kinderwelt child daycare center in downtown Rostock. Thus all AIDA Cruises’ employees have the opportunity to place their children in a nursery or kindergarten. This is a very popular service: In 2011 the kindergarten took care of over 30 children of employees during regular daycare hours. Outside of these times, employees can avail themselves of the services of the Engelchen and Bengelchen family agency on special terms. 

Apart from childcare, the flexi-time working arrangements we offer make it easier for mothers and fathers to organize their day. At the moment we offer our employees ten different working time models. AIDA Cruises is a committed and active member of the corporate network „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“.

With this initiative from the Federal Ministry for the Family, Seniors, Women and Youth, and the Confederation of German Industry, we are supporting a family-friendly working environment. This includes:

• Flexible working hours
• First-rate childcare
• Targeted advice before and during parental leave
• Work-life balance programs
• Recreational offers for employees and their families

Healthy on board and ashore


We attend not only to the wellbeing of our guests, but also that of our employees. In 2011 we focused on the issues of health and movement. Both ashore and on board, we offer a comprehensive package that helps employees to stay fit and healthy.

At an AIDA lecture in October 2011 the basics for an active and healthy professional and personal daily life were explained: the right mix of regeneration, movement, diet and metabolism. At the subsequent AIDA Activity and Health Day, our employees were familiarized with the practical side of this concept. In addition to metabolic tests and dietary sessions, there were also helpful exercises for avoiding or relieving muscle tension in the workplace. Many employees underwent stress tests to determine their individual resistance or vulnerability to stress. The results proved to be highly informative, as were the valuable pointers provided for dealing with stressful situations in a positive way. Employees were also able to attend Pilates courses, undergo autogenic training, and take cardiovascular and strength tests. We work with a number of different sport facilities so that our employees can train while enjoying special terms throughout the year. Courses range from lower back training to yoga and Pilates. We also offer regular preventative vaccinations in the workplace as well as protective glasses for VDU work for employees who wear glasses.

We have also put together a comprehensive health package for the crew members on board our fleet. Apart from use of the on-board gym, services also include a healthy diet plan and free use of the on-board hospital within the framework of ship-owner welfare.

Occupational accidents/ days lost

AIDA Cares GRI Index

GRI Index

Our 2012 sustainability report is based on the Global Reporting Initiative framework

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