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Smart travel

Smart travel

We combine environmental protection and dream-like vacations

For AIDA, sustainable behavior, motivated employees and satisfied guests are all firmly entwined. We want to forge an even closer link between our sustainability activities and our guests, and inform and sensitize them. That’s why we carried out a survey on “sustainable shoreside excursions” in 2012, in which over 20,000 guests took part. Guests rated eliminating waste, protecting nature and biodiversity and producing less emissions in shoreside excursions as particularly important. On average, 28% of guests said that environmental considerations are also important in shoreside excursions. A little more than half of those surveyed did not have a firm opinion on this. We want to take action in this area and sensitize our guests to this issue. 

Bike excursions

Sustainable shoreside excursions

Invitation to sustainability

GRI Index

GRI Index

Our sustainability report is based on the regulations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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Click here for answers to the most frequently asked questions on sustainability at AIDA

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